About Schoolzone

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Can I choose a delivery date?

Yes, we will delivery on your chosen day / time

How is the order delivered?

Generally, we deliver in one of our own delivery vans as we find this to me more reliable than a courier service. We pack according to your requirements and our drivers will be more than happy to move boxes wherever you need them in the school. Sometimes if an order is too large for our vans or our drivers are unavailable, we will use a courier service. We will always pack to your requirements and arrange and date and time that suits you.

How long does delivery take?

We agree a delivery date with you occording to your needs

Pricing & Discounts

What discounts do you offer?

We offer the best discounts available from bookshops. We won’t be beaten on price! Send us your order and we’ll get back with a quote.

Returns and Refunds

Can we return items

Of course. We know student numbers change, subject choices change amongst other things. We have a no quibbles returns policy. We will either collect your returns free of charge or send you pre-paid An Post labels.


How do I pay?

We send invoices directly to your school.

Special Requests

Can I get the books covered?

Yes, we offer a book covering service.

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